Wednesday, 18 September 2024
Today's Reading: 1 Samuel 7:2-17

“So the Philistines were subdued, and they did not come anymore into the territory of Israel. And the hand of the Lord was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel.” -1 Samuel 7:13
A Christian’s life is not easy going but one that has challenges and very often encountering battlefield experiences. The Old Testament believers had to face physical battles; we the disciples of Christ have to face spiritual battles. Every battle in the Old Testament teaches us how to face our spiritual battles today. Even as we meditate on today’s Scripture, may we understand that the God who brought in the victory for His people will also lead us triumphantly till the end.
The people of Israel had sinned; the ark was no longer with them which meant that God’s presence was no longer with them. The most tragic situation!! Without God we are sure to face defeat. As God’s people— temples of the Living God, we often quench and grieve the Holy Spirit when we sin, thus making us open targets for the devil.
Today’s reading teaches us 2 steps that we need to take to experience God’s victory in our lives:
Repent and Return
There is place for only ONE King on the throne of our hearts. The Israelites had given it to false gods which led to their fear and defeat in their lives. Very often as believers our love for God is not wholehearted, as said in Revelation 2 – we have lost our first love, thus giving room for other things/ people to take His place in our lives.
Vs. 6 shows us that the people confessed their sins to God—this is the first step to victory – establishing God as “Lord” in our lives. If you are in a place of defeat today, time to check who the master of your life is. Acts 3: 19 says “Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord.”
Remain in His Presence
One of the hardest lessons to learn is to be still in God’s presence in the face of adversity. Here in Vs.8 we see the people crying out to God by remaining in His presence when they heard of the Philistine attack. No human being in this world can rescue us when we face a battle. “Prayer” is the weapon we use to fight our enemy. Jesus taught us the power of prayer through His life. James exhorts us to learn lessons in prayer from Elijah (James 5), through which we understand that God listens, answers and moves in response to prayer.
When we get these 2 steps right with God, he has 2 very precious gifts for his children:
A fresh Revelation - In Vs.12 we see God addressed as “Ebenezer” meaning “The Stone Of help” It’s incredible to note through the Scriptures how God revealed His qualities to people in the face of their problems. Every name of God proves who He is and is sufficient for us in every situation! Even today He is the same God who opens our spiritual eyes to capture a fresh glimpse of Him.
He Brings Restoration - Vs. 14 says that cities taken by the Philistines were restored to Israel. When we return to God, He restores back everything the enemy has taken away from us due to our disobedience.
As children of God, we receive these gifts only because Jesus paid a ransom with His own life to buy back from the devil what we had given away. By Christ’s death we are restored to our relationship with the Father, blessed with every spiritual blessing and He will meet all our needs according to His riches in glory.
This is the God who fights for us – He has already won the battle for us!
Quote for the Day:
“—If God is for us who can be against us?” (Romans 8:31)
Listen: `A Mighty Fortress.`