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Esther 8:1-17

Thursday, 28 October 2021

“For how can I endure to see the evil that will come to my people? Or how can I endure to see the destruction of my countrymen?” -Esther 8:6

The Book of Esther stirs up lot of emotions within its readers every time one reads its pages. Its amazing to see the unseen hands of God weave His magnificent work in preserving His people from annihilation, through the life of a woman who fought this battle on her knees.

As men and women of God what can we appropriate from Esther’s life for the salvation of many around us?

As mentioned in the key verse, Esther was not indifferent to the plight of her people. Even though Haman was killed, the problem was not sorted; the edict of the king still stood. Knowing this, Esther could not stand by and watch her people die. Today we see people spiritually dying all around us—even our own family and friends! Does their eternal damnation bother us that we make some effort to plead with God for them? Esther stated: “How can I endure to see the evil that will come upon my people?” Have you shut your eyes to the need around you? God is looking for one man/woman to save a few? Would you be that one?

When Esther saw that things were still not safe for her people, she once again took courage at the risk of her own life. Esther 8:3 shows three actions she took that would cancel the edict written against her people.

  1. She spoke again – Once again she approached the King on behalf of her people. When was the last time you took time deliberately to pray for the salvation of souls? Are your prayers so self-centered that you have no time to pray for the Kingdom of God to be established in the lives of people? Esther spoke on behalf of her people that even today we see that nation in existence. Psalm 2: 8 says “Ask of me and I will give you nations”; Matt 7: 7 says “Ask and it shall be given.” God longs to answer such prayers. It’s just that we fail to ask.

  2. Fell down at his feet – This action of Esther shows complete humility. She did not bother that she was a queen and that she was making herself nothing before the King. Her pride and her self –esteem did not stop her from interceding for her own people. Paul in 1 Corinthians 9:22 says “… I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some.” Is your pride or status in life stopping you from sharing the truth of Jesus Christ to others?

  3. Implored him with tears- We see the brokenness of Esther in this phrase. As parents, how much we weep and pray when our children go through a difficulty! All around us are people created in the image of God, who deserve to become His children. They are caught in the web of Satan’s deceptions leading to various addictions. Their silent cry for help is often unheard as there is none to rescue them. Do their plight break our hearts that we weep at the feet of God imploring Him to deliver them? Or is our heart too hardened to actually see their suffering?

When Jesus sent His disciples out, He gave them the authority to preach, teach, heal and deliver those in bondage (Luke 9:1). This hasn’t changed. He saved us to send us out to the many who are lost, so we could bring them into His Kingdom.

Esther’s decisive action on behalf of her people led to great joy and gladness in the city of Shushan. Just as Esther stood in the gap to save her people, may God enable us to become effective intercessors for the salvation of many, leading to great rejoicing in heaven as written in Luke 15:10: “ …I tell you, there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Quote for the day:Prayer causes things to happen that wouldn’t happen if you didn’t pray.” -John Piper

Listen: If my people


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