Sunday, 10 May 2020 Psalm 90
“Oh! Teach us to live well! Teach us to live wisely and well!” - Psalm 90:12 [The Message]
Moses is attributed the authorship of this Psalm. He truly understood the importance of days, months and years as he lived a life without the true knowledge of the Holy One for the first 80 years of his life. Though he was trained in every sphere of life in the best Universities of Egypt, he did not show wisdom in his initial years and so lived many years in obscurity. In the Psalm he calls us to align our lives to the plans of The Great God he had encountered and calls us to follow God daily so that we would live a life of wisdom.
What did he learn after his encounter with God?
The Sovereignty of God- Psa 90:2 says: “from everlasting to everlasting you are God.” There was a time in Moses’ life when he played god by killing an Egyptian to save an Israelite. He depended on his position, power and authority vested in him to act in this manner thinking he won’t be questioned. But things backfired. Very often we too take things into our own hands, do what we think is right, without waiting for God to work things out in His time. We fail to realize that God is Sovereign and He reigns over all situations, good or bad. We just need ‘To be still and know that he is God.’ (Ps. 46 10). In the fullness of time, God used this very same Moses to save the Israelites from Pharaoh’s hand. As you read this Psalm, remember He is the One who will establish the work of your hands (Psa 90:17).
The frailty of man –Psa 90:5: “You have swept them away like a flood…” Moses’ life changed overnight-from prince to pauper. We don’t often realize that our life is just like mist- here today, gone tomorrow. We tend to live our lives as if we own it and can control everything in our lives. The life of Michael Schumacher, the car-racing legend is an example of our weakness and frailty. Our life on this earth is not to show our mettle, but to glorify God in all capacities. Vs 10 says “the length of our days is seventy or eighty...they quickly pass and we fly away.” Moses understood this statement and lived everyday of his life (after his encounter with the Living God) for His purpose and never for himself. The Bible records God’s testimony of him: ‘The meekest man that lived on earth.’ What will God’s testimony be of us when we leave earth? Do we understand our frailty and deal with others in a manner that will glorify God? Or are we living in hatred and unforgiveness, envy and pride? Remember you may not get another opportunity to set it right with others--do it now before God calls you.
Accountability to God- Psa 90:8 says, “You have set our iniquities before us our secret sins in the light of your presence.” Even as believers we often think that we can fool others around us but forget there is a God above who will judge us through and through. When Moses killed the Egyptian, he thought no one saw him and could escape judgment – but it wasn’t so. Knowing this truth well, Moses warns the Israelites in Numbers 32: 23 “…. you may be sure your sin will find you out.” Is there something in your life you need to set right with God? Are you living in secret sin? Hebrews 4:13: “Nothing is hidden from His eyes…… to whom we must give account.” He is our Righteous Judge. So let’s get our records straight with God so we aren’t judged.
Let us learn to live our lives wisely and well as Moses did!
Think on it:
“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.”
James 1:5
Listen: ‘Teach us O LORD!’