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Psalm 60

Tuesday, 30 March 2021

"Through God we will do valiantly, For it is He who shall tread down our enemies." -Psalm 60:12

Every Psalm represents the real sentiments of the writer regarding the situations he is facing and his cry for help. It also records, how faith stirs up the heart to trust in God that ultimately leads to victory. This Psalm is also penned at a difficult time as a nation for Israel. David cries to God for help; he surely received help and hence victory over the enemies.

It was so normal in the days of David, to humble before God as a nation and trust in God for help in every challenging situation. We see it repeatedly all throughout the life of David. He was quick to go the King of kings for help and was confident that He would help. This attitude kept David at the feet of God. Whether in times of prosperity and peace or calamity, David was always with the Lord. Either way it was his quiet resting place- he found much consolation and blessing at the feet of the LORD.

How are we today? Are we going to God in the good seasons and bad? Many a times our hard seasons are the ones that bring us back to the feet of God. Like the Psalmist we need to be at His feet in good seasons and in distress. He is our only consolation and peace in this troubled world.

With God we shall do valiantly! God has put a banner over us to give us His protection and victory. 'You have set up a banner for those who fear you, that they may flee to it from the bow.' (Psalm 60:4 ESV) The banner over us is the banner of love. Under this banner every battle that we fight, God brings our foes to defeat. It is the authority and power of Christ that gives us the victory. This is the banner we need to lift up in this world, where there are those who hate us waiting to tear us down and destroy the inheritance that is truly ours. We need to lift up this banner high and fight our battles. God will surely go ahead of us and conquer the land. The Church as a whole should lift up this banner and hence can be sure of its victory in times of trouble. We are very safe and hopeful under this banner of God.

Under no other banner we have victory, but under the banner of God and His anointed King- Lord Jesus Christ. He has defeated our foe-Satan and crushed his head under His feet. All authority in heaven and earth is with our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the eternal King and the immortal One. We need to raise up His banner across our lives and our battles. Then we can be sure of our victories. With God we shall do valiantly and He shall defeat our foes. Let us keep our eyes fixed on Him and His banner of love over us and be sure of our victories. May God bless us to cherish this victory today.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, thank You for this banner of love over us, we trust in You and with You we have victory in Jesus name. Amen!


Good Shepherd Ministry International

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