Matthew 25: 14-30
Tuesday, 17 November 2020

“After a long time the master of the servants returned…” -Matthew 25: 19
The Parable of the Talents we read today is one spoken to the disciples in response to their question about the end of time. In this discourse, in Matthew chapters 24-26 Jesus gives very distinctive signs as to what man has to look for before His return.
In this context, Matthew tells a series of parables focusing on being ready for the King when he gets back. In every parable there is phrase ‘that there was a delay in his coming.’ [Vs. 5 ,19] This emphasized the need for faithfulness in the face of considerable delay. Now what are we to learn from these servants in their waiting period? There are two positive traits to learn from two of the servants that resulted in praise and reward and one negative trait we need to avoid, lest we lose our eternity.
They set to work without a delay- V.16 says ‘at once put his money to work.’ As the saying goes ‘DELAYED OBEDIENCE IS DISOBEDIENCE’ they realized the urgency and the responsibility placed over them, the two men got to their task immediately. As believers do we realize the call over our lives to take up the mantle placed over us with such passion and resolve? Paul in 2 Timothy 3:14 exhorts us to be prepared to preach the word in season and out of season, as multitudes are in the valley of decision and the Day of the LORD is near. [Joel 3:14 – paraphrased]. Like these servants we need to rise up from our languor and apathy and like Paul become all things to all men so that by all possible means we might save some (1 Cor. 9: 22)—for the coming of the Lord is at hand.
They worked even when no one was watching over them- They had no one to supervise their work yet they worked with utmost sincerity and loyalty. They worked not to impress anyone nor for any reward, but was being faithful with what was entrusted to them. As followers of Christ, he is calling us not to a PERFORMANCE but to a PRACTICAL Christian Life that flows out of a relationship with Him. God is not looking at how good we are in all our Christian Activity but rather how Holy we are when no one is watching us. As Paul exhorts the Philippian believers in Phil 2:12 ….as you have always obeyed not only in my presence but now much more in my absence …. God expects the same of us.
WE now will consider that one negative act for which the third servant had to pay a huge penalty.
He worked with a wrong attitude – This servant’s attitude towards ‘his Master’ and his understanding of him were all wrong. The servant accused the master of being a hard man and found fault in his working style. So he used these grievances to pull back from doing his task. Dear friends, let’s not forget that when Jesus came to the earth the first time He came to save but when he returns He comes as a RIGHTEOUS JUDGE. At that time if we are found far away from following His commandments, He is bound to judge us and there will be no point accusing Him of being unloving. He will punish all who do not obey the gospel (2Thess 1:8). That was what happened to the third servant.
Christ’s return is near! God isn’t late with His promise, He is holding back the end because He doesn’t want anyone lost. He is giving us space and time to change. [Paraphrased 2 Peter 3:8]
JESUS said: “Look, I am coming soon! My reward is with me, and I will give to each person according to what they have done.” (Revelation 22: 12)