Tuesday, 1 January 2019
Ephesians 2 : 11-22
“In whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit.”-Ephesians 2:22
Today is the dawn of a new year! First of all, we wish you a wonderful, Spirit-filled, Christ-centered and Word-based walk with God! May this year bring the best for you and your family because you know Christ! May Jesus Christ the Cornerstone, the foundation, and the Capstone start, continue and complete a unique process of building your life!
The Bible says that you are a dwelling place of God! A Temple of God!! You are the household of God! Throughout the Bible, we can see God building people, families, a nation and finally His Church. God is the master craftsman. In this new year, will you come to God with a decision and commitment to be built? Let us start the first day of this new year with a solemn decision to begin a divine process of re-building our lives.
The history of the Temple of God is a fitting example to understand God’s resolve in establishing a dwelling place for Him! In Exodus 25:8 God says, “..let them make a sanctuary for Me.” Throughout the wilderness journey, God’s presence followed them – and after they reached Canaan God instructed Solomon through David to build the Temple! However, when it comes to the New Testament, it is the believer who becomes the Temple of God – and carries the presence of God.
Our key verse says that we are built into a dwelling of God –we are designed to carry God’s presence and hence we are being built for that purpose. This building process is not by human skill, but by the divine wisdom; no labor is involved, except God Almighty.
But for God to build us we need to be a level ground; God is not going to build upon something that was already there; which means anything that would have been there will have to be destroyed. The building process or the CONSTRUCTION requires a DESTRUCTION at first; destruction of all man-made pretensions and work of the flesh. 2 Cor 10:4-5 tells us that we have to pull down the fortresses and all lofty thoughts that rise against the knowledge of God.
Now what? We need divine INSTRUCTION to proceed with the construction. That means in the same manner that God showed the pattern of construction of the Tabernacle to Moses, He will guide us through His word. [Refer 1 Cor.2:13 & Ps.32:8]
During that process of construction, God will start imprinting His values and image on us – precisely on our hearts. That is called the process of INSCRIPTION. 2 Cor.3:3 says it is the work of the Holy Spirit to write on our hearts.
May this new become a year of rebuilding of your life by God Almighty through the power of His Spirit through Jesus Christ our Lord. May you become the vessel for the glorious ministry of the Holy Spirit. [ Refer 2 Cor3:6,8]
A Wish for the New Year:
God bless you and have a very blessed
Christ-centered new year!
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