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Friday, 1 June 2018

Luke 4 : 14-44

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed; to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.” -Luke 4:18-19

Jesus Christ is not only Lord and Master of the universe, but He is the greatest liberator ever spoken about and recorded in the entire history of humanity!  He was with God from the beginning! “Through him God made all things; not one thing in all creation was made without him.” (John 1:3)

His divine visit to earth shows the express nature of the Father and Him as the Greatest Liberator.  He demonstrated to us as human beings by declaring the most valuable tool and partner in service for battle, which is the SPIRIT OF THE LORD.  Jesus Christ the greatest liberator opens our minds to the fact that nothing can ever be achieved in all of our work and service with Him, without the help of THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD. It is HE the Spirit of the Lord that leads us into the unseen realm of the supernatural, in order to help the natural Man to confront spiritual wicked forces of darkness in high places.

Jesus’ liberation moves were initiated with the preaching of the gospel to the poor, accompanied with healing for the brokenhearted, deliverance to the captives, recovering of sight to the blind, liberation for them that are bruised and preaching the acceptable year of the Lord (Vs.18,19)— all of which are of vital importance for liberation and empowerment for His service unto us His people.

In His compassionate moves to liberate his people, God knew how much they have turned their backs on his word by choosing their own ways. The expression of his heart to Isaiah speaks volumes of how much his people needs a Savior and Liberator. This is what the Lord had to say: ‘The LORD says, "Listen, you deaf people! Look closely, you that are blind! Is anyone more blind than my servant, more deaf than the messenger I send? Israel, you have seen so much, but what has it meant to you? You have ears to hear with, but what have you really heard?  The LORD is a God who is eager to save, so he exalted his laws and teachings, and he wanted his people to honor them. But now his people have been plundered; they are locked up in dungeons and hidden away in prisons. They were robbed and plundered, with no one to come to their rescue. Will any of you listen to this? From now on will you listen with care? Who gave Israel up to the looters? It was the LORD himself, against whom we sinned! We would not live as he wanted us to live or obey the teachings he gave us.”’  (Isaiah 42:18-24)

Jesus Christ, who was with God right from the beginning and knew the exact situation on the ground at the time it was expressed by the LORD to Prophet Isaiah! Thus He took the willing venture to come and speak the exact same mandate of His Father unto humanity. The expression of the Father in Isaiah 42:18-24, sends clear message of his battle plans for the liberation of his people through Jesus Christ and no one else! The messages and ministry of our Lord and Master Jesus Christ coupled with the miracles, signs and wonders, shows clearly the expression of His authority and mission on earth in agreement with the Father. [For further reference: John 10:18, Isaiah 53:10-12, Philippians 2:6-8, Hebrews 5:8-10, John 10:30 and Matthew 11:24].

Thought: Come to Jesus Christ the Liberator! He will set you free!

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Good Shepherd Ministry International

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