Tuesday, 4 June 2019
1 John 2 : 12-24
“…This is how we know it is the last hour.” -1John 2:18
The whole world seems to be heading toward the last scene of a grand play, a climax when every single person would have to meet with his/her Maker. Though we do not exactly know when He is coming, according to Matthew 24 we sure can see the signs around us.
Apostle John foreknew that such a time would come and he prepared the believers to be ready. This scripture portion is so relevant to us today just as it was to the early believers. We too are living in a world where many are anti-Christ and anti-Bible, just as in the days of the early church. How can believers face such hostile situations even as we eagerly await His Coming?
He focuses on 3 aspects we need to know to keep us firm on the foundation of the gospel of Christ and prepare us to stand unashamedly before OUR KING:
Know that many would depart from the family of God (1 John 2:19) – Jesus forewarned us in Matt.24:10 that in the end times many will turn away from the faith and betray and hate each other, they will leave the church because they will have nothing in common with the believers[Paraphrased]. So even as we see the love for God growing cold it shouldn’t surprise us as it was already spoken of. One thing that binds believers together is the love for our Saviour. These people who leave are the ones who have lost “The Reverent Wonder” of their Saviour and their eyes and minds are captured by the fading glories of this world. They have lost the vision of the ‘Most High God.’
May we never lose our Wonder of our Saviour so that we would be found in Him when He returns.
Know the truth and live in it (1 John 2:20) – Jesus promised the disciples that though He was to leave the world, the Spirit of truth will come to guide them into all truth (John 16:13). It is this anointing in us that will help us walk in the truth that is in the word of God. The Word has clearly taught us the truth that is in the Father and the Son, but this very truth is now challenged by the world! How can we as believers face this challenge? Apostle John gives us the answer in 1 John 2:27: “ the anointing in you teaches you.” May we continue to live in this anointing that we received from God (2 Cor.1:21) so that we can understand and defend the truth we believe. This is possible only when the Holy Spirit teaches us. May we in these last days yearn for His Spirit that we might know the things of God and all that has been freely given to us by God. [2Cor. 2:12 Paraphrased]
Know Him who is from the beginning (1 John 2:12-14) who is the Righteous One (1 John 2:29) and practice righteousness. In Isaiah 53:11 Jesus is referred to as “My Righteous Servant, the One who did and does the will of His Father. Today even as we claim to be His disciples, are our words and deeds right before God?
Bible portrays righteous living as follows:
Abiding in Christ - 1 John 2:28
Living by faith - Romans 1:17
Doing what is right - 1 John 3:7
Giving generously - Psalm 37:21
Speaking words of wisdom that will build the hearers - Prov. 10:21&31
Let us make every effort to reflect our Righteous King as we align our lives to His word and await His Coming. The LORD will guide us in paths of righteousness for His namesake! (Psalm 23:3).
Quote for the Day:
“This is a time when all of God's people
need to keep their eyes and their Bibles wide open. We must ask God for
discernment as never before.”
― David Jeremiah
Listen- ‘People get ready’
See the Devotion Archive
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