Wednesday, 6 February 2019
Isaiah 44 : 6-23
“-----‘I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.” – Isaiah 44:6
Our reading begins with God Almighty proclaiming who He is “I am the First and I am the Last; Besides Me there is no God.” (V.6), compared to the images/idols the people were lured to worship. Knowing who He is, is basic to our understanding of the One we worship and give our allegiance to.
The times we live in are in no way different from the Old Testament times where worship of several gods and deities are quite the norm. Man fills the need for a “being” greater than himself, through several substitutes that suit his thinking or understanding- the so-called ”gods”- which are a far outcry of the one true God. Isaiah 44:8-20 outlines the folly of worshipping an idol he makes for himself. “Who but a fool would make his own god— an idol that cannot help him one bit?” (Vs.10).
The attributes God speaks of Himself (Vs.6-8) are:
The First and the Last- He is from the beginning; self-existent
The Redeemer of His People- He saved them from their enemies and established them as a nation
The One who has declared of things to come- He makes known to them their future
The Rock- One who stands firm; immovable
The idols in comparison are:
Man-made- made of wood or other materials by craftsman or blacksmith. Part of the wood he cooks with and the other half he makes his gods!! What an irony!
Carved according to man’s imagination- making it like the figure of a man and the beauty of a man.
Lifeless figurines that don’t respond- they can neither speak nor know anything! Yet man bows to worship them
How useless it is to bow down to idols! Besides these idols, man also finds his worship in the idols of power, money, beauty, fame, etc.- these he has exalted in his life far above the True God. Man has dethroned God from His rightful position- the seat of his heart and instead he tries to find satisfaction in the temporal things of power and money.
Paul reiterates in Acts 17:24,25: “The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth …. And he is not served by human hands, as if he needed anything. Rather, he himself gives everyone life and breath and everything else.” And it is in HIM, we live and move and have our being! (Acts 17:28). He is the One God, Maker of heaven and earth (Psalm 146:6) and Maker of us all (Psalm 95:6), that we need to seek and worship. All other things of this world fade away – there are here for a time and if we put our trust in them, they will soon take wings, leaving us with the emptiness that only God can fill in!
To know the One true living God, He has chosen only one Man who can bring us to Him-Jesus Christ. Being God, He took the form of man, came down to this earth, lived among us and showed us what God is like- Jesus told Philip when he asked Him to show them God: “Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” (John 14:9). When we believe and put our trust in Him, we come to know the One True Living God!
Dear friend, will you give Him a place in your heart? The One true God longs to make His dwelling in you so that you can know Him in a very personal way. Give Him your allegiance today! From everlasting to everlasting, HE is GOD!
Almighty GOD, I acknowledge that You are the Only One
True God! I come to You through Jesus Christ-
accept me today as Your child and make
Your dwelling in me.
Listen- 'From Everlasting to Everlasting'
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