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Wednesday, 6 March 2019

1 Corinthians 15 : 1-19

“…and that He rose again the third day….” -1Corinthians 15:4

In his book titled, ‘The New Evidence that Demands a Verdict’ Josh McDowell writes: “The truth of Christianity is based on the bodily resurrection of Christ.” The one act that had impacted the world so powerfully is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. Apostle Paul presents the roof to a powerful fact that Jesus Christ was resurrected. Paul provides evidence of physical witnesses. The Bible proclaims the bodily resurrection of Christ and provides proof of the same by enlisting witnesses who saw Him. 

The two women outside Jerusalem  - Matthew 28:9-10
Mary Magdalene   - John 20:15-18 
Two travelers on the road to Emmaus  - Luke 24:13-32

In Acts 1:3 it says that “To these (the apostles-Acts.1:1) He also presented Himself alive after His suffering, by many convincing proofs, appearing to them over a period of forty days and speaking of the things concerning the Kingdom of God.”

The resurrection of Jesus Christ is a historical fact and His resurrection was a bodily resurrection. Jesus Himself spoke to the disciples about His resurrection (Matthew 16:21). He presented Himself to them after the resurrection! In John 20:26-29, when Jesus presented Himself to the disciples, He invited Thomas to touch Him. His resurrection was a bodily resurrection. Jesus Himself pointed to the physical nature of His resurrection body (John 20:27) as evidence that He had risen from the dead. 

Josh McDowell continues to state, “The empty tomb does not, by itself, prove the resurrection of Jesus any more than a body missing from a morgue proves that someone has been resurrected. The truth of Christianity is based on the bodily resurrection of Christ.”

Dr. Norman Geisler puts it “ If Christ did not rise in the same physical body that was placed in the tomb, then the resurrection loses its value as evidential proof of His claim to be God (John 8:58; 10:30). The resurrection cannot verify Jesus’ claim to be God unless He was resurrected in the body in which He was crucified. That body was a literal, physical body.”

“If the resurrection is not historical fact, then the power of death remains unbroken, and with it, the effect of sin; and the significance of Christ’s Death remains uncertified and accordingly believers are yet in their sins, precisely where they were before they heard of Jesus’ name.” – W.J. Sparrow Simpson.

Vain or Gain?
Paul starts this passage by encouraging the brothers to hold fast the gospel preached to them – which saved them. He says that their believing in the gospel was not in vain – because their faith is validated by the historical fact of the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ.  In the latter part of the passage, Paul says if Christ has not resurrected then preaching the gospel is empty and faith is empty. Paul also explains it clearly that since Christ has risen, all those who put their trust in Him will also be resurrected!

If Jesus Christ rose from the dead, He is alive today, ready to invade and change those who invite Him into their lives. Thousands now living bear uniform testimony their lives have been revolutionized by Jesus Christ. He has transformed them as He has promised He would. – Paul E. Little

The invitation still stands: “Taste and see that the Lord is good.” (Psalm 34:8)  Jesus Christ has risen from the dead – His bodily resurrection is a historical fact witnessed by many and proven. Will you invite Him to your life?

Praise Point:

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ!

In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a

living hope through the resurrection of Jesus

Christ from the dead.”

1 Peter 1:3 [NIV]

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