Sunday, 7 April 2019
Psalms 37
“Rest in the Lord and wait patiently for Him; Do not fret because of him who prospers in his way….” – Psalm 37:7
A clear demarcation between the life of the righteous and the wicked is seen throughout the Psalm. “Inheriting the land” a term used several times in the Psalm is to “live on to enjoy the blessing of the Lord in the promised land.” [NIV Study Bible] Surely the righteous are privileged to such a promise! The wicked may seem to prosper/flourish for a time but their end is sure and “though you look for them they will not be found.” (v.10)
With the unfolding of various events in the world scenario we may tend to get frustrated as where it is all heading to. We feel evil has its grip on people such that wickedness is on the increase. But in all these circumstances we need to remind ourselves that God is above all- He is sovereign! There is a day of reckoning- He will judge the wicked!
In relation to day to day life, a believer needs to learn to rest in the LORD! The key verse draws the contrast between “resting” and “fretting!” In a day, one may come across situations, the first response of which is to fret! But a child of God who has his trust/hope in God, is called to “Rest!” The first verse of the Psalm says, “Do not fret because of evil men…”—an exhortation to the child of God who is caused “unrest” by wicked men and their schemes. It is easy to encounter wicked men and their schemes in every area of life; but in it all, a believer is urged not to fret as it only leads to evil (v.8).
In order to keep his/her cool in the midst of such difficult circumstances, a few reminders from the Psalm itself:
Trust in the LORD and do good…feed on His faithfulness(v.3)- It is to continue in the good work we are doing while reminding ourselves of God’s faithfulness – that He will reward us someday!
Delight yourself in the LORD (v.4)- When we delight in the Lord, we learn what He desires of our lives- His desires ultimately become ours!
Commit Your way to the LORD(v.5)- Instead of trying to figure out what to do to loosen ourselves from the wicked schemes the enemy plots, give them to the Lord! He will take over!
Rest in the LORD and wait patiently for Him (v.7)- Worry can eat one up! Instead we can practice resting in His presence to do the right thing for us. An “active” resting calls for praise to Him for what He is doing in the situation and thanking Him for the outcome!
Wait on the LORD and keep His way (v.34)- Even when we feel the wait is long and hard, we are called to wait and keep His way. His plans for us are to prosper and not to harm us! We seek His guidance each day to walk in the way He has marked out for us.
For a believer tough times can be overcome thus so that ultimately, we will dwell in the land of our promise!
For those who have not committed their way to the Lord Jesus Christ, it will be an uphill task to live in this world in their own strength. If you resort to wrong ways and schemes which you think are shortcuts for easy living, it will only end up in destruction. Instead repent of all self-will, pride and the “i-can-handle-it all” attitude and bring your life to the lordship of Christ Jesus who laid down His life for you so that you can enjoy His abundant life for you! Jesus said: “I am the way, the truth and the life…” (John 14:6). Give your life to Him as He leads you to your land of blessing in Him!
Quote for the Day : "Those who do not hope cannot wait; but if we hope for that we see not, then do we with patience wait for it." - Charles Spurgeon
Listen: O my soul
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