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Sunday, 15 December 2019

Psalms 125&126

“Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever.” -Psalms 125:1

One’s dependence on God’s security (in its totality) is far greater than simple belief. The Scripture says in James 2:19, “Do you believe that there is only one God? Good! The demons also believe—and tremble with fear.” Believing in the Lord our God is just one thing and trusting in Him is everything. We cannot say we believe in Him when we are living in the world of fear and timidity.

Before a man climbs on top of a table to stand, he must consider some factors about that table before he could trust the table to hold him up while standing on it. In the same way before we totally place our trust in the Lord as our strongest defense, we must have heard or seen the miraculous and wonderful display of His power and authority at work.

Nations build or purchase military and sophisticated gadgets to defend their people 
and states from external aggressions coming from the air, land and sea.  But little do they 
realize that their wisdom and strength come to nothing when the Lord commands the earth,
 wind and sea to obey His instruction for just a moment.

Our Lord is not only a Commander but HE is the strongest defense ever made available in the human history. Because at His command, His words can attack and defend at the same time. We see a clear picture of this in Egypt at the time of the deliverance of His people.



The Lord wanted Israel to remember how He had been their Strong Defence against their enemy when He killed the Egyptians (Attacked) but spared them (Defended) [Exodus 21:27]. The Lord showed how mighty and powerful He is; and how far He is capable to attack in a situation to defend the cause of His children especially those who trust in Him! Because the Israelites (the Lord’s children) trusted the Lord when He spoke to them through His servant Moses, and they obeyed His servant’s instructions, they saw the display of the Lord’s mighty authority at work in their favor. The Psalmist reminds us that only those who trust in the Lord “are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures forever. As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds his people both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 125:1)

Many Christians wrongly lay claims on God’s supernatural protection while still living in their own world of wrong concepts, contrary to God’s Word and in rebellion against God-given authority. The Israelites in Egypt did not think so. They simply listened to the instructions of Moses their leader and they experienced the Lord’s aggression on their enemies and His defense in their favor. When nations come to the peak of thinking that they are fully secure without needing God’s security and covering, He always lets them know that there is a God who is Sovereign- they may have to go through difficult times or calamities to acknowledge it.  But in all these, He will always show Himself to His own that are in the Land; that He is the strongest defense for His people.

No matter how powerful, or life threatening the situation may look like, the LORD our Defender will always be there by the side of His people. Remember! He promises us in His Word that He will not forsake His people for His great name's sake: because it has pleased Him to make us His people. 


“LORD God, give me the heart to trust in Your Word and the grace to depend on You in times of challenges. In Jesus name, Amen.”

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