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Sunday, 17 November 2019

Psalms 48

“For this God is our God forever and ever; He will be our Guide
even to the end.”-Psalm 48:14

Psalm 48 written by the Sons of Korah begins with the praise of God and His greatness (Psa 48:1) and ends with the praise of God and His goodness (Psa 48:14).  The exact background of this Psalm is not known but many consider it written when God gave victory to king Jehoshaphat (2 Chronicles 20). The city of Jerusalem is connected with the praises to God on account of its relation to God, due to the care and protection the city enjoys from God, the terror it strikes on its enemies (Psa 48:4) and for the blessing that it provides its people (Psa 48:9).

Mount Zion was marked by the presence of God as being the site of the temple. When pagan people in Ephesus were crying “great is Diana” one of their goddesses, the children of the living God is shouting “Great is the LORD!” (Psa 48:1) We read in Psalm 95:3 “For the LORD is the great God, the great King above all gods.” The enemies were astounded and fled in terror at the sight of the city where God dwells in His Holy Temple.

Scripture reveals that every true believer is the temple of the living God (1Cor. 3:16). Just as the temple that is not to be destroyed, so is the church – not to be spoiled and ruined by sins or divisions. The Roman empire trembled at the resurrection of Christ. The world witnessed the miracles and the brave martyrdom of the Apostles and trembled. The kings of the world and the governments tried to stop the spread of the gospel— but nothing could block the extension of the kingdom of God.

Verse 11 reflects the joy of the people. A day will come when God would bring justice to the world and God’s children will rejoice in Him. The Bible also refers to the millennium rule of Christ in this world when Satan is chained during that period (Rev.20: 1-3). What a great joy will it be for the church of God!

There is a call to walk and inspect the city for its defences (Psa 48:12,13). Similarly, we ought to inspect our defences to make sure that our spiritual foundations are strong. Faith in God, knowledge of His Word, a holy and prayerful life and the fellowship among the brethren (Eph.2: 20-22) are to be built strong in a believer’s life.

We pray for God’s guidance on our situations. He is both guidance and the guide (Psa 48:14). We need a map showing all the landmarks and a companion who has the knowledge of the way. The Bible is the map for us to reach heaven and the Holy Spirit is our guide! As we move step by step in the heavenly direction make use of both the map and the guide!

The Psalm closes with the proclamation that God is our God for ever and ever (Psa 48:14). No kings in the world can say that their crown is theirs forever; no landlord can say that the land will be theirs forever. Possessions can change hands and masters and everything that we see will ultimately come to dust (2 Peter 3:10). But if we stand in faith till the last breath, we can boldly say that this glorious God is our portion forever which even death cannot separate.

Would you put your trust in this God who is forever and ever?

Think on it:

Before the mountains were brought forth,
Or ever You had formed the earth and the world,
Even from everlasting to everlasting, You are God. (Psalm 90:2)

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Good Shepherd Ministry International

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