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Thursday, 22 February, 2018

1 Kings 19 : 9-21

‘…And behold, a voice came to him and said, “What are you doing here, Elijah?”’- -1 Kings 19:13[NASB]

Elijah experienced the depths of fatigue and discouragement just after his two great spiritual victories in 1Kings 18— the defeat of the prophets of Baal and the answered prayer for rain. To lead him out of depression, God strengthened him and then confronted him with the need to return to his mission – to speak God’s Words to His people. Whenever you feel a down slope in your spiritual journey, remember that God’s purpose for your life is not yet over!

God speaks to Him in a still small voice (V.12) and tells him how things really are. God has a threefold plan for getting Elijah back on track:

It Involved A New Commission –(Vs.15-17) Elijah is told to return to Israel through Syria. He is given a new important assignment from the Lord to anoint two kings and a prophet there. He is given evidence that the Lord is not finished with his life. Surely, this was an encouragement to the man of God!

Like Elijah, you might not be what you were before, but you can still be a blessing to the kingdom of God. If you are struggling in the pit of discouragement, you can bring that to the Lord and ask Him to use you again for His glory. He still has plans for your life.

It Involved A New Comfort – (V.18) Twice Elijah had complained that he was all alone in his devotion to the Lord in verses 10,14. However, God tells him that there are 7,000 others who have not bowed to Baal. Elijah is not alone! There are others who will stand with him. He is given hope and encouragement!

Even if no human comfort can be found, the Lord knows what you are going through and is ever present to help you through any crisis you might face in life. Let us not forget to turn to Him for the help we need.

It Involved A New Companion – (Vs.19-21) When Elijah went into the wilderness, he was all alone. God knew this was not good and gave him Elisha to be a companion and would take Elijah’s place when his ministry ended. Verse 21[NASB] says, “Then he arose and followed Elijah and ministered to him.”  God knew that the burdens Elijah carried were too heavy for him to bear alone, so He gave him an assistant, a friend, a companion with the same vision. He gave him one to walk beside him through the valleys and the difficulties. God puts this man into the prophet’s life to help him along his way.

Proverbs 27:17 says, “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.”  We are not to alienate ourselves— we all need friends/companions as we go through life. What a blessing to have someone to confide in; to have a friend who hurts with you, who will help you bear life’s loads, pray with you, cry with you, and even when they don’t understand you will still love you! Certainly, we have that kind of ministry in the Person of the Holy Spirit. Yet we still need to ask God to put someone into our life who will help us be accountable to the Lord in all we do as we go through life. 

Now we find Elijah well on the road to recovery, back to the calling, serving God once again. The Lord’s ministry in his life has delivered him from the verge of death and of shipwreck.  If you are on the verge of quitting on the Lord, feeling discouraged and defeated today, turn to the Lord who is able to quicken the calling in your life!

“The one who calls you is faithful, and he will do it.”1 Thessalonians 5:24

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