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Sunday, 22 September 2019

2 Samuel 22 : 1-25

2Sa 22:4 NLT  I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies.

David here burst out into a time of thanksgiving as he remembers how God had rescued him from his powerful enemies. After being anointed by Samuel to be the king of Israel, he had to undergo severe opposition from his enemies especially king Saul. It was a period of war in the life of David. He faced his enemies by fully putting his trust in his God. His confidence in Godly protection is amazingly great. No threat against his life could derail him from his trust in God. God in turn rescued him even in midst of impossible situations. 

As we read through this passage we can see a unique relationship developing between the Savior God and David. David is able to figure out God's presence in various ways. He understands how earthquake, thunders, lightning, storm etc; are but God's divine ways in bringing out the salvation from his enemies. As we see one after another various difficulties arose in the life of David, not only from king Saul but also from the gentile communities who surrounded the territory of Israel. Through all these, the bonding between God and David grew stronger and stronger. The more the troubles, more the confidence grew in David regarding God as his savior. This is a lesson we need to understand deeply because, only then our relation with our Savior becomes stronger and stronger day by day. In today’s teachings, people see troubles in their lives as a distraction rather than a situation through which they pass through to make them stronger in the Lord. Church has to regain this wonderful position then only true praise of thanksgiving arise from our souls. When everything flourishes around us, we tend to fall into a practice of religion without a relationship. This is a great danger among today’s Christians. So as God purifies His church, the furnace of affliction is the best way to purify and prune us. This brings our souls to trust in God and when God brings us out from the troubles; we burst out into a time of thanks giving. This will enable us for a closer walk with God. Psa 50:15 NLT  Then call on me when you are in trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory.”

Today’s reading also points the prophetic finger towards the life of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. Verses 5 to 7 aptly describes death closing in on the Lord and from 8 to 20 describes how God has rescued him from the clutches of evil one. So this is a messianic passage prophetically showing the life of Messiah. It gives us a glimpse of how the saints of Old Testament had the experiences of a New Testament believer even before Christ came to this world. David brought forth this idea clearly through his life. Even though we can only see it as a shadow, the reality of Christ's spirit guiding them and enabling them is very vivid. As we meditate on it we gain confidence how we can face the trials in this world when Holy Spirit is residing in us. So let us put our hope in this resurrected Lord as He cares for us. 1Pe 5:7 NLT  Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.


Dear God, I pray  that you will lead me through

the way in which I can practically learn to trust in you. In Jesus name.


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