Friday, 22 November 2019
Luke 10 : 25-42
” …but only one thing is necessary, for Mary has chosen the good part, which shall not be taken away from her.” -Luke 10 : 42
Martha and Mary are two distinctive characters that catch our attention from today’s reading.
The attitude of both the sisters, caught the attention of Jesus - the willingness in Mary to be in His presence and listen to His words and the attitude of Martha to be caught up in the chores of life. Jesus commented that the only thing that is needed, is what Mary chose to do. We are all left with several choices daily and our choices matter before the Lord. Our Choices will affect our life. It is said that the toughest thing anybody has to do in a day is to make the right choice!
It started from the beginning: Adam and Eve had to make a choice – either to obey God or to eat the fruit!! God gave them the freedom to eat from any tree – and prohibited the fruit of only ONE tree. Yet they chose to eat from that tree!! That choice affected their lives and the rest of mankind too.
In Deuteronomy 30:19 the instruction was given to Israelites to “choose life” after a couple of alternatives were kept before them. Their right choice would let them, and their descendants live! God never compels anybody. He gives us the freedom to take the decision. With Adam, He gave the freedom to choose, so also with us. The right choice of Mary is still preached! In Joshua 24 :15, Joshua declared His choice to serve the Lord and advised his countrymen to “choose for yourselves today whom you will serve.” The Bible lists the Fruit of the Spirit and the Works of the Flesh, in Colossians 3:10,12 we are instructed to put on the new self –a clear choice.
Even after many centuries, the right choice of Mary has significance. Life brings before us an array of alternatives from which we need to choose every day. And our choice affects our life and others too. In 1 Corinthians 6 :12 Paul stated “All things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable…” and in Philippians 3: 7 Paul made his choice “But whatever things were gain to me , those things I have counted as loss for the sake of Christ.”
In Luke 15:20, the Lost Son made a choice to go back to his father’s house. He received forgiveness and a new life! Today what are the alternatives before us and what do we choose? You can choose to give your life to Jesus and live! One of the most difficult of all choices that we have to make is to love tough people. To love is a commandment from Jesus (John 15:12, 1 John 3: 23).
It is commendable before Him to choose to be in His presence and listen to His voice. His command is to love – can we choose to listen to Him? Let us declare our resolve to love that tough person- that tough husband or that tough wife or child or parent or that tough boss!!!
It is commendable before Jesus!! Will you make that choice?
Father God, here I am. I submit my will to you. Please help me by the power of Your Holy Spirit to make the right choices in life. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Listen- ‘Today I choose…’
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