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Friday, 26 April 2019

1 Corinthians 11 : 17-34

“For I received from the Lord…….” -1Corinthians 11:23

Our reading today is the basis for one of the most significant celebrations of the new testament church namely, “The Lord’s Table.” Apostle Paul gives the instructions to the Church in Corinth as a commandment received from the Lord. In fact, in Luke 22:19 Jesus Himself, after giving the bread to them stated “… do this in remembrance of Me.” This is a commandment, rather than a proposal! Hence it is mandatory for a born again Christian to obey it! It’s a celebration, not a ceremony!!

When we read this passage in the Bible, we should focus on the sacrifice of Christ and every time we partake in the Lord’s Table, our minds should reverberate with the Love of God as we ponder the following aspects of the Lord’s Table:


  1. A Pointer to the Gospel (1Cor.11:23 - …. in the night He was betrayed….)

    Paul begins from the Last Supper of Jesus – the living legacy of Jesus is the core of the Lord’s Table. The good news that He once came to save me from my sins and eternal punishment, should fill my heart with joy. Jesus being alive now is able to save me daily from any temptation and would ultimately save me from this corrupt world, one day when He returns. This is gospel in its fullness – the three stages of salvation. May we reflect on the gospel impact on our lives as we partake in the Lord’s Table.


  2. A Thanksgiving (1 Cor.11:24 - …  and when He had given thanks…)

    Jesus gave thanks to His Father probably for the opportunity given to fulfill His will (Isaiah 53:10 – But the Lord was pleased to crush Him… & Ps.40:8 - …I delight to do Your will, O my God. John4:34- My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me and to accomplish His work.) Jesus would have given thanks to the Father, for the people He had given to Him (John13:1 – He loved them to the end.)
    As we partake in the Lord’s table, let us thank God for our very life, thank Him for saving us from our sins and thank Him for the people He has given in our lives – let us be content and grateful to God for all that He has allowed us to pass through!


  3. A Memorial (1 Cor.11:24- … do this in remembrance of Me…)

    The life, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ were historical facts that happened Two Thousand years before. Human memories may fade due to the passage of time, however, the Holy Spirit has recorded those significant events of history in the pages of God’s Word to remind mankind about His life – sinless, selfless, sacrificial and substitutionary! What a privilege for mankind that was yearning to attain God’s standard of purity! Jesus Christ the unblemished Lamb of God was sacrificed for their sins and became a substitution for all. The Lord’s Table is a memorial of this life of Jesus and when we partake in it, we are touching the purity of Jesu Christ and we declare to live a pure life (1John 3:3 And everyone who has this hope fixed on Him purifies Himself just as He is pure.)  


  4. A Proclamation (1Cor.11:26 - … you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.)

    Participation in the Lord’s Table is a proclamation! We proclaim the Lord’s death and of course His resurrection and His Second Coming!! This is the message that the world needs now – Jesus is coming!! He is coming to judge the world (Acts 17:31 – He has fixed a day in which he will judge the world.). Those who put their trust in Jesus only will stand not condemned. 

    Each believer who partakes in the Lord’s Table is a pointer to the world of the imminent coming of the Lord and the imputed righteousness freely available to those who put their trust in Him!


LORD Jesus thank You for your great love and

mercy and may I always remember Your great sacrifice

as I celebrate the Lord’s Table!



Listen- MERCY

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