Friday, 31 January 2020
2 Samuel 7 : 1-16
“Are you the one to build Me a house to dwell in ?” -2 Samuel 7:5
This chapter depicts the covenant God made with David that his house and his kingdom would endure, and his throne would be established forever (2 Sam 7:16). This was to rise above the line of kingship / dynasty down to the Davidian family line for ever. You may be thinking this to be a utopian idea. But it was fulfilled through the coming of Christ the Anointed One in in the lineage of David. He came through the root of Jesse (Isaiah 11:10) as a direct descendant of David.
Jesus said, as He started His earthly ministry, “…the Kingdom of God is at hand.” (Mark 1:15). This reveals the fact that Christ will reign for eternity— now through His spiritual kingdom, later through the millennium period (Rev.20:4) and will enter into future eternity (Rev 21:1 -5).
Though God found David as a man after His own heart (Acts 13:22), still his request to build the temple for God was turned down. The assignment given to David was to destroy the enemies of Israel and to unify the nation. In the process of this operation a great amount of blood shed was inevitable. But God made it clear in 1 Chronicles 28:3 that He did not want His temple to be built by a warrior. So David collected the materials for the building; but it was his son Solomon who built the temple (1 Kings 5 :7).
Here we can find a very important decision from David. He accepted his part in God’s plan and did not attempt to go beyond it. When king Saul tried to proceed beyond God’s instruction, he was dethroned. Similarly, God used Moses to liberate the Israelites from Egyptian slavery and to lead them to the Promised Land. But remember Moses was not allowed to enter Canaan.
This should not make us conclude that God rejected David. God had greater plan through his servant: later Jesus was born as a direct descendant of David! 2 Sam.7:16 is a prophetic word about the eternal rule of Jesus Christ who would later be born in David’s line: “And your house and your kingdom shall be established forever before you. Your throne shall be established forever.”
God’s thoughts and ways ae different from ours. Isaiah 55:8 says: “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the LORD.’ Similarly, when God says ‘No’ to our plans we should be willing to accept it and be engaged in utilizing other open opportunities that He puts before us. His eternal plans will prevail. When we move in the directions He gives us, God is faithful to establish us and transform us to be a channel of His blessing to the people around us.
Heavenly Father open the eyes of my understanding to see the open paths in my life so that I will be engaged in building Your Kingdom.
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