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Friday, 31 August 2018

Acts 3 : 1-26

“You killed the author of life, but God raised him from the dead. We are witnesses of this.” -Acts 3:15

The first recorded miracle of the healing of a lame man through the disciples of Jesus Christ, after receiving the Holy Spirit is in our reading today.

The apostle, Peter took this opportunity to speak to the gathered people about what led to the event. In our key verse, we can see the gospel in a very compact sentence stated here. Three things are stated in the key verse: Jesus’ death, resurrection and the witnessing by His disciples. According to the divine plan and at the perfect time, Jesus’ death and His resurrection took place, once for all mankind. The third part -Witnessing, is our responsibility which God ordained in His master plan. Jesus assigned His disciples to be His witnesses (Acts1:8). Can we imagine the Heavenly Father the creator of all heavens and earth wants us to be the witness of His great plan of salvation to all mankind! When we understand His greatness, we can only stand in awe of Him, praising Him for allowing His children to become the partakers of His mighty plan- For we are co-workers in God's service... (1Cor.3:9).

Let us look into the part of witnessing based on today’s reading which will help each of us in being a witness for Christ:


  1. Receive strength: As Jesus said (Acts 1:8), we need His strength and direction to move forward. The Holy Spirit is available to help in every step we take and the Word of God instructs that - For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God. (Rom.8:14) not everyone. Wait for His promise, receive it –it’s not an option- it’s His commandment. Always remember: And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. (Eph.4:30)

  2. Be available: In the previous chapter the glorious state of the early Church is recorded. Instead of exercising their leadership in midst of the newly added believers, they just went up to the temple (Acts 3:1). The lame beggar was a regular person sitting outside and Peter and John may have seen him earlier also. But this time there is a great difference- they are walking in God’s plan and they see the lame man in a different perspective. Today also God is looking for people who are ready to listen and be available for Him—through them He will do His miracles and they will be mightily used for His Kingdom work.

  3. Give what you have:  Then Peter said… but what I do have I give you.. (Acts 3:6) To give - you must have Jesus in you and you must have a good relationship with Him always! The boy who gave the bread and fish (Luke 9) is a good example drawn before us of giving what he had.

  4. Witness Jesus: The manifestation of God in Jesus Christ is displayed in the power, healing, miracles and all these confirm His deity. The power of Jesus’ name works even at this moment. We can never boost in ourselves; instead give Him alone all glory, always.

Whenever we bear His witness, the power of Jesus’ name will work in many lives and attract them to Him. As a child of God, we experience its power in our daily life in different ways. Let us witness Him - Glory to HIM alone!

Prayer:  Dear Father, help us to witness and glorify Your name through our every day according to Your plan, in Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

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Daily Devotion Card

Good Shepherd Ministry International

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