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Thursday, 1 March, 2018

Nehemiah 2 : 1-20

‘……..“Let us rise up and build.” Then they set their hands to this good work.’ –Neh.2:18

A call to build! In continuation of our recent reflection of Nehemiah 1, our reading today is a start in the process of rebuilding the broken walls. We see the “good hand” of the Lord being with Nehemiah who decided to do something about the ruins of his city. A close examination of our text will help us also to fulfil the prophetic word given in Isaiah 58:12[NLT]: “Some of you will rebuild the deserted ruins of your cities. Then you will be known as a rebuilder of walls and a restorer of homes.”

In our day, we observe not just ruined societies, but broken walls of moral and ethical standards, broken homes either dissolved or at the brink of crumbling, broken lives that want to give up, etc. Nehemiah who was in a comfortable position could care less about a city in ruins far away. Not so! He reacted such that it brought a positive outcome. We too have a choice what to do about the brokenness we see in and around us.

God saw the heart of Nehemiah and his genuine concern for his people and his city. A few phases in the process that gradually led to the success of the rebuilding of the ruined wall are noteworthy:

  • A Distress: Ever since he heard the report of the city, even after months, the deep sorrow in his spirit was seen by the king(vs2). A restlessness until something was done to rectify the issue lay at the centre of his distress.

  • A Decision: Nehemiah made known his decision to the king to go to Judah, so he could help rebuild. His strong decision brought God’s favour on him and the king provided all that was required for his going and the material needed for the work (vs.7&8)

  • A Damage Assessment: On reaching the city, he took a long and detailed survey of the wall (vs.11-15). A thorough inspection led to the scale of the damage done. Before starting the work, Nehemiah assessed what needed to be done and how it should be done.

  • Doing a Repair: It wasn’t a single-handed job! Nehemiah needed to get the others involved and so gave them a report and spurred them on to the work at hand: “Let us rebuild the wall….and end this disgrace!’(vs.17NLT).

  • A Determination: Though on the ground Nehemiah faced derision and opposition, he was determined to carry on! “The God of heaven Himself will prosper us; therefore we His servants will arise and build…”(vs.20)

We too can learn from the above the pragmatic approach Nehemiah took to do the rebuilding of the wall. It is not just good enough to be distressed about the ruined relationships/families and do nothing about it. Taking stock of the damages done,  a decision to get the right steps in the right direction-pray and seek God’s help and of godly brethren. Then comes starting the repairs with a determination to see it through!

A few Scriptures that help make the necessary repairs in our lives:

  • A person without self-control is like a city with broken-down walls. (Prov.25:28)

  • Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. (Eph.4:29)

  • Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation…(2Cor.5:18)

  • Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you (Eph.4:32)

If the Lord has convinced you today about certain broken walls needing repair, may you take the right steps, seeking His strength and His grace so that your life be built and your homes restored!

Quote for the Day: “God is more interested in your future and your relationships than you are.”~ Billy Graham


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