Wednesday, 4 March 2020
John 4 : 27-42
“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to finish his work.” -John 4:34[NIV]
Many of us would love to make this our life statement but most often we fail to live it daily. How was Jesus able to live it out till the end of His life? There are a few life lessons we can learn from Him through today’s reading.
Here we read about Jesus’ travel back to Galilee from Judea due to his unpopularity with the Pharisees (John 4:3). As this journey forced Him to pass through Samaria (an area a Jew wouldn’t like to cross), He reached Sychar one of the towns in Samaria. As it had been a long journey He rested near a well. This stop brought Him across a seeking soul He was able to lead to salvation (John 4:4-26).
What do we learn from this incident in the life of Jesus? If one has to do the will of the Father, one has to:
a) We see Jesus, walking through a place that as a Jew he would not have preferred b) He was willing to break the existing traditions and talk to a woman, and that too a Samaritan whose character was questionable. c) He was patient to talk to her without condemning her or judging her. When was the last time you and I were willing to take a risk for the Lord?
There is a story of 2 young Moravian missionaries who sold themselves as slaves to a British Plantation Owner, for the sake of the gospel— to reach the slaves who were working in these plantations. They left everything familiar and secure in their lives so that Christ would be preached to these dying souls.
You and I may not be called to do the same thing but when was the last time you were willing to spend some time praying for dying souls, forsaking your sleep or give sacrificially toward a missionary need, or taken time to meet up with a friend to share the good news of Jesus Christ? Something to think about!
In John 4:32, we find the disciples oblivious to all that had happened and entreating the Master to eat. They had no idea of the depth of the conversation that had taken place between Himself and the Samaritan woman. To their request Jesus responds in a very profound manner: “I have food to eat that you know nothing about.” This is the second step He took to fulfill his mission on earth. What He meant was just this: “When I am about my Father’s business, I GIVE UP ALL EARHTLY CRAVINGS FOR THE HEAVENLY CALLING.” Have you and I reached such a frame of mind?
Let our desire to serve the Lord be accompanied with action. As David in 2 Samuel 24:24 says: ‘ …I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing.’ Great men and women in the past have endured pain and hardship, forfeited their dreams, were tortured, hated, even killed for the Gospel’s sake, for you and I to hear this marvelous truth.
What are you willing to lay down in your life today? Is it your comfort zone or an earthly craving that you need to let go? This act could touch that ONE SOUL for Christ, who in turn could help a whole nation turn to the Lord, just as the Samaritan woman did!
Thought for the Day:
“The highest form of worship is unselfish Christian service.”
~Billy Graham
Listen: ‘People Need the Lord’
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