Thursday, 4 April 2019
2 Corinthians 9 : 1-15
“Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!” -2 Corinthians 9:15
Paul clearly stated in his letter that the Corinthians are doing well in the areas of faith, utterance, knowledge, and even love. At the same time he draws their attention to excel in the area of giving also. He exhorts here that ‘let giving be an outlet for your sound faith, your inspired love, and your Divine knowledge’.
In our text we find ample reason to affirm with all dedication that "regular, faithful, monetary giving is not optional for the Christian." The main reason is because giving is an act of ‘thankful worship’. To worship God, to show forth his magnificent splendor, and ascribe all worthiness to Him, is the reason we are created and even our existence. It is the purpose for which we are saved, to glorify God and enjoy Him in and through our life forever.
Verses 11-14 Paul presents three spiritual fruits that are produced through our fervent giving:
Thankfulness: This is a God given gift to His saints, the ministry of giving and is "overflowing through many forms of thanksgivings to God." Regular, faithful, monetary giving really produces a priceless result: grateful and cheerful hearts!
It is furthering the glory to God. The recipients of the gift, the Judean saints, will glorify God for the Corinthians' obedience and kindness. Regular, faithful, monetary giving sets forth the glory of the good God!
It is even generating prayer, that mighty weapon against evil and singular tool of faith! It works like a dynamo connected to the engine of a car. The Judean believers, writes Paul in verse 14, will offer prayer on behalf of the Corinthians because of "the surpassing grace of God" in them. Regular, faithful, monetary giving brings about effectual intercession for its source and people’s generosity.
Our text concludes at verse 15, where Paul writes, "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!", the climax of its glory, the consummation of God’s love in action. To what could the apostle be referring here other than to God's great gift of His only begotten Son? “For God so loved the world that He gave Him, that whoever believes on Him might not perish, but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16). God set the example with His own possession as a great gift to the mankind. Seeing a world of lost sinners, desperately in need of a Savior, God gave His everything.
God delivered His precious, only-begotten Son over to a painful life and a horrible death, not for His own sake, but only because of His great love for His elect. They were condemned; could not save themselves. Only His Son could redeem them by paying the penalty for their sins in His own body on the cross. Only an infinitely valuable and perfect sacrifice could appease Divine wrath, only in the Son's perfect righteousness could they stand before Divine justice. Only Jesus could accomplish salvation and rise from the dead after conquering death itself, and sin, and hell. So God gave His Son, the greatest gift, His everything. So let us all purpose to practice faithful giving, but sacrificially unto God so that His name will be glorified.
To meditate:
And remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that He said,
‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’”
Acts 20:35
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