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Saturday, 7 April, 2018

Proverbs 31 : 1-31

“A truly good wife is the most precious treasure a man can find!” -Proverb 31:10[CEV]

Men and women are assigned different roles by their Creator, God Almighty. The latter part of today’s reading paints the picture of an ideal woman and gives a blue print for a godly woman to strive for.

While women of old stayed home to take care of the household many women today are both homemakers and jobholders trying to balance both roles. Although, what is listed out in Proverbs 31 can sometimes make a woman feel inadequate, but the word of God is eternal and what is true for the women of old is still true for women today. There is something interesting for the men as well- it starts with a wise mother’s exhortation to her son as to how he should lead his life (Vs 1-9) and what sort of woman he should choose as his bride. Vs 10 onwards give an insight into how to become an excellent woman in the course of life in order to be this eligible bride, fruitful woman, excellent wife and wise mother. SEVEN qualities are listed here that any woman can strive for:

Fear of the Lord (V30)– the first and foremost requirement! A woman who fears the Lord will love, trust and serve God with all of her being and will constantly seek His will for her life and follow all of His commands. This is pivotal for everything else in her life.

Respectful (Vs 11,12, 23, 28)– She respects her husband by being submissive to his authority; He trusts her as she always wants to do him good.  An unbeliever husband who observes her chaste and respectful behaviour, if he is disobedient to the Word, can be won over for the Lord (1Peter 3:1-6; Eph. 5:33)

Loving &Serving (Vs 12,15,20, 26,28) – She loves and serves her husband and family. Nurtures her children with the love of Christ, disciplines them with care and wisdom, and trains them in the way they should go (Prov. 22:6) by pointing them to the wondrous things from the word of God(Ps 119:18) and by being an example. Her children call her blessed! She is mindful of the poor and needy, extending her help.

Homemaker (Vs 15,17,22,27)– Creates an atmosphere of warmth and love for family and guests, being hospitable. She works hard, keeps herself busy so that she can take good care of her family, herself and those who in her care. Looks well into the ways of her household, one of which is preparing food for them. She works well with her hands! (Titus 2: 5, 1 Peter 4: 9)

Industrious & Diligent (Vs 13,19, 24,31)– She works willingly and does not allow idleness or laziness to rule her. Uses her time wisely to complete her daily tasks and does not dwell on those things that do not please the Lord.  Does all things without grumbling or disputing (Phil.2:14).

Prudent (Vs 14,16,18) –She is “money-wise!” She spends wisely and is careful when purchasing goods and plans well before investing!

True Beauty (Vs 10,21,22,24,25)– She is a woman of worth and inner beauty that only comes from knowing Christ. She understands true beauty is of the inside than the outside (1 Peter 3:1-9; 1 Tim.2:9). She puts her creativity to use in her life and household.

Summing it all up: “He who finds a [true and faithful] wife finds a good thing And obtains favor and approval from the Lord.” (Prov.18:22AMP)

Thought : Christ Jesus will come again to gather His prepared bride so that “that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish.”(Eph.5:27)

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