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Saturday, 10 November 2018

Proverbs 16 : 1-33

“Whoever controls his temper is better than a warrior, and anyone who has control of his spirit is better than someone who captures a city.” -Proverbs 16:32 [ISV]

The Book of Proverbs is full of wise sayings. The Hebrew word for ‘proverb’ (mashal) means a comparison. The book very specifically has practical guide to a peaceful living. (Adapted)

Our key verse makes a comparison of the one who controls his temper with a warrior and the one who controls his spirit with a conqueror. Self-control is something we need to practise in our daily Christian walk.

  • Control our Temper: Our text says that the one who controls his temper is better than a warrior. A warrior is physically powerful/fit and always ready to fight fearlessly; he is ready for conquest and goes forward to achieve the goals set before him. While we look back at history, great warriors had many privileges, got honour through their great exploits. But whatever might he has, God’s Word tells us the one who is slow to anger or the one who is able to control his anger is much greater than the so -called warrior. 

    We are in a world where we are prone to acts of temper in our daily life-be it in our home/ office/ on the road/in church/ while shopping, etc… Eph.4:26 says, “In your anger do not sin…" Anger is an emotion common to all but many a time it reveals the wrong person knowingly or unknowingly. He that is slow to anger is of great understanding. (Prov.14: 29) With the external pressure used as a weapon by the enemy, many children of God have fallen in this area in exhibiting his/her anger. “…Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. (James1:19-20) When in anger whatever decisions we take, mostly will fail and will not serve the purpose of God. “Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.” (Eph.4:26-32). Only by being a new creation through Christ Jesus and with the help of the Holy Spirit can we produce the fruit of the Spirit and can overcome anger.  Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. (Rom.12:21)


  • Control our Spirit: Here we see that the one who has control of his spirit is better than someone who captures a city. Capturing a city is not at all an easy task— in the Bible itself we see many instances of capture of cities; placing their names on the city. Conquering a city is visible to everyone and the news of the conquest may spread all around, but control over one’s spirit is a step by step victory and it’s not visible to all; only the Lord can see its growth. The conqueror of the city may get the glory for his might but the one has control over his spirit receives much more honour before God.

    Today as a child of God, we have received great privileges through Jesus Christ and while we submit to Lord, the Holy Spirit will guide us and lead us. Moreover, the Spirit of the Lord will reign over us and take full control over our spirit, to the extent we wilfully allow. “For those who are led by the Spirit of God are the children of God.” (Romans 8:14).

The comparison with a warrior and capturing a city are both related to war; similarly, each child of God has a war against his/her flesh until the day of death or till the day Jesus comes back. To overcome anger, we need the help of the Holy Spirit always. Let us heed to the Spirit of God and walk in His guidance. 


To act on: 

Walk by the Spirit, and you will

not gratify the desires of the flesh.


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