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Saturday, 18 May 2019

Philippians 4 : 8-20

And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4: 19 NIV)

The Bible speaks of numerous instances of our God Jehovah Jireh, meeting the needs of His people according to the riches of His glory both in the Old and New Testaments. God knew that Abraham, “friend of God,” needed a sacrificial lamb instead of his dearest son to be offered- when Abram proved his obedience, he was provided with one. During the famine Isaac needed crops and God blessed him to reap a hundred-fold. Jacob was afraid of his brother while crossing Jabbok and God met his need by providing favor with his brother!

God met the need of His people by parting the Red Sea when Moses led them out of Egypt in a show of His might that inspires millions even today to turn to Him in times of need! For the next forty years in the wilderness in meeting their need of food and water were the provisions of manna from heaven and water from the “Rock”, which were revelations of the true glory of God. Even their sandals and clothing never got worn out, because it was their genuine need and God met their needs according to the riches of His glory!

God appeared to Isaiah in a vision “high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple” (Isa 6:1). By the end of the glorious vision of God, Isaiah was cleansed of his unclean lips and was confirmed of his mission (Isa 6:1-9). It was impossible for anyone to touch the hem of the divine robe that filled the temple as Isaiah saw it.  But seven centuries later, came Jesus Christ to this earth (His indescribable riches of glory and the divine robe that filled the temple as seen by Isaiah) now in common clothing and allowed the hem of His garment to be touched by a needy woman who risked her very life to meet her greatest need, healing from issue of blood and her healing was instant! (Mark 5:25-34)

Saul of Tarsus whose spiritual eyes were opened - by the glory he had seen - was in need of physical sight (Acts 9). The Lord in His mercy asked Ananias to pray for him so that Apostle’s need would be met while his conversion took place turning him to a lifetime “servant” of this Master whose glory captivated him at the gates of Damascus.

Finally, the riches of His glory is perfectly revealed in the greatest need of humanity – salvation and eternal life! By becoming the Lamb of God for everyone and by meeting the punishment we deserved on the cross of Calvary, Jesus Christ became our way to salvation. Now anyone who recognizes his need for eternal life, the greatest gift that our Lord has kept for anyone who asks, can have it by accepting Him as his personal Saviour and Lord. Then it is our Lord’s promise that when we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all other things will be given to us as well (Matt 6:33). Apostle Paul testifies unequivocally, if we give our first priority to our Lord and His will in our lives, whatever the situation He will meet all our needs- that too according to His riches, whether it is spiritual, physical or financial – just Believe in Him!


Dear LORD Jesus, we know that You have the best

plans to prosper us. So even in times of need, help us to be

focused on Your will so that we will not miss the greatest blessing

You have kept for us in eternity. Amen.


Listen- Jehovah Jireh!

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