Friday, 24 January 2020
2 Corinthians 6 : 1-18
“Therefore, come out from among unbelievers, and separate yourselves from them, says the LORD.” -2 Corinthians 6:17[NLT]
Are you experiencing the continual presence of God in your life? If not, you don't have to run here and there to find the answer to the problem; God says, “Be separate!”
Jesus said the kingdom of God is in midst of you. God's Word says God inhabits the life of the believer (1 Cor. 6:19). We are His holy temple. In order to be in this kingdom and to experience His divine indwelling presence we need to be separate.
God's people are called a holy people, which simply means they are consecrated or separated unto God. During the Old Testament times, God's people after being released from the bondage of Egypt and its slavery, were physically separated and led through the wilderness into the Land of Promise. They were ordered by God to be separated from the gentiles. The separation was what made them acceptable to God. They were not allowed to intermarry, or to have any kind or form of practices of the gentile world. God's people had a separate system of civil and moral laws. They had the divine presence in the midst of them. God ruled them through his chosen representatives. All through those times when they kept this vow of separation they were blessed with the presence and protection of God. But as soon as they broke the law of separation, they were scattered from His presence and lost their privileges.
In the New Testament period also, God expects His people to be separate. Here the verse quoted above is from Isaiah 52:11 by Apostle Paul while writing to the Corinthian church. The same principle is in operation. The only difference is that God is not calling for a ceremonial cleansing and physical separation from other people. But there is a severe note for separation that is expected from us who are one with the Lord. He expects us to be sole property and possession of His own. Only listening to one master and obeying Him in all things. As we read down from 2 Cor 6:14-18, we get the picture of this separation that God expects from us. No unequal yoking with an unbeliever, no fellowship with lawlessness, no communion with darkness, no serving of two masters- it is only Christ, no idols- only the living God who will inhabit our life to sanctify us with His presence. This is the basic condition for experiencing His presence in the life of His people.
Only His divine presence guarantees us all the blessings that are promised in the Word of God. Today's Christians have forgotten this wonderful truth. They don’t know God experientially as all sorts of worldliness have crept into the Churches. No growth or daily walk is practiced; only a form of godliness is practiced falling short of its experiential part. Dear saints of God we need to rise up from this lowly state. Be separate; God will again come back to His throne in us and in the midst of us. We will become His ambassadors carrying His presence wherever we go.
Be Separate and be Blessed to be a Blessing!
Dear Abba Father, I need Your divine presence. I am ready to be separate from all that is detestable to You. Please accept me and make me Your permanent dwelling place. In Jesus name Amen.
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