Wednesday, 25 December 2019
Isaiah 9 : 1-7
“For unto us a Child is born, Unto us a Son is given;…” -Isaiah 9:6
In today’s Scripture the Prophet Isaiah describes the difficult conditions faced by the northern territories of his nation at that time. They were going through a time of spiritual darkness, humiliation, war, death, pain. A time so much like our times- hopelessness, chaos and fear all around. Where is the world heading? Who can deliver us from such trying times? The cry of the people of Naphtali and Zebulun is a cry similar to ours. Into this hopelessness, God speaks words of great joy. He promises the people, the coming of the Messiah, their Deliverer. The gift God has for his people is to set them free from their pain.
This gift God has offered, is not only for the Jews. It’s for everyone: “For God so loved the world…” (John 3:16) In this Christmas season, God wants to remind us of the gifts He has sent us in His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ.
The first gift He has to offer us is Comfort. He is called The Wonderful Counsellor. In our gloom and despair, we fear that our sorrows will never end. But we take comfort in the wonderful counsel that Jesus has to give us. His word that never fails. Matthew 24:35 “Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will never pass away.” “The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the Word of our God endures forever.” (Isaiah 40:8). His Word spoken into our lives give us LIFE.
The second gift, God becomes our Mighty God. You may think that you do not matter and that you have no one to deliver you from your sin, sickness and situation. Zephaniah 3:17 says, “The Lord your God is with you, he is mighty to save.”
The third gift, he becomes our Everlasting Father. There was a time when we could not address God as our Father. Sin separated us from Him. Who could bridge this great divide? Who could help us reconcile with the Father? Thank God for His indescribable gift he has given us (2Cor.9:15)- His only begotten Son. A Saviour for sinners, the perfect sacrifice to bring us back to God. Through this great act of Jesus, God becomes our Everlasting Father.
The fourth gift is PEACE. There is no greater need in the world than peace. People are running everywhere and to anyone who could offer them peace. But this peace can be experienced only in THE PRINCE OF PEACE, Jesus Christ. These are the very words of Christ, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) Again in John 16:33 He reassures us: “…so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
As we take time to give and to receive gifts this Christmas, the question before us is: “Have we received the free gifts that God has to offer us in His Son?” And if we have received it, have shared it with those who have not? If we have received His gift of love, forgiveness, peace and comfort, can we too share them with others? This season let’s give others what we have freely received from God!
Think on it:
“Jesus Christ, the only gift that truly keeps on giving.”
Greg Laurie
Listen- ‘Unto us’
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