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Monday, 26 March, 2018

Exodus 12 : 1-28

“Remember, these instructions are a permanent law that you and your descendants must observe forever.” -Exodus 12:24

The first Passover of which we read today, signified the Lord “passing over” the houses of His people on whose doorposts and lintels were applied the blood of the lamb. The Passover of the Israelites was one act that turned their history forever. Until then they were bond slaves at the mercy of ruthless slave drivers and their life held nothing but torment and pain until the day the Lord instituted the Passover. This is celebrated even to this day declaring their freedom from slavery and their birth into new life. What are some of the requirements for the Passover festival? How does this act of God have significance in the life of a follower of Christ?

  • The first step to celebrating the Passover required a family to choose a lamb for the sacrifice, for themselves. This lamb was to remain with them until the day it would be sacrificed, and its blood taken to apply on the doorposts and lintels of each house to keep away the angel of death – Jesus fulfilled this first requirement.

When Jesus first stepped out into is earthly ministry, John called Him the ‘Lamb that would take away the sins of the world.’ Just as the blood of lamb would protect each household, so the blood of Jesus delivers us from eternal death as 1 Peter 18&19 says “We are not bought by perishable goods as gold and silver but by the blemish-less blood of the lamb.”

As a Jew, this feast has to be celebrated yearly, but as Christians, Jesus the Perfect Lamb fulfilled it once and for all. The blood on the doorpost and the lintels showed that a price has been paid for the protection of those inside the house. Likewise Jesus’ blood declares to the devil that He paid a price for our sins and the devil has no claim over us.

  • The second step to celebrating the Passover is the removal of the leaven from their households. This signifies the cleansing that happens in each household and moving into a time of new beginnings with nothing added into them. How does this apply in a Christian’s life? Paul mentions in 1Cor.5: 7 “purging out the old leaven” which was well understood by the Jewish hearers. Paul was talking about a new life in Christ the Passover lamb. What does leaven signify here? Vs.8 compares leaven to wickedness and malice! Are we as followers of Christ still living the old way of life in malice and envy, bitterness and strife? Wouldn’t we nullify Christ’s work on the cross because of this behavior?

Every time we prepare to take part of the Communion instituted for us, do we take time to remember the great work of our Passover Lamb on Calvary? Are we entertaining sin in our lives or have we allowed the Spirit of God begin a new work in each of us?

Thought: “Redeemed by Christ Our Passover Lamb.” ~Anonymous

Listen- Lamb of God-The Maranatha Singers

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