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Monday, 30 December 2019

Acts 1 : 1-11

And He said to them, “…but you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses …even to the remotest part of the earth.” -Acts 1:7-8

The Acts of Apostles begins with the promise of the Holy Spirit and the continuity of Christ’s ministry on earth through His disciples in the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Acts 1:8 is the central theme of this book and a mandate to every believer. Acts reveals the powerful move of the Holy Spirit that enabled the Good News to reach beyond the Jews to the ends of the earth through ordinary men, who chose to follow Jesus.


As we understand who the Holy Spirit is, how He works in our lives and why we need His constant presence in us, it is my prayer that everyone will truly desire to receive the Holy Spirit and be powerful witnesses for Christ.


Who is the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Godhead, promised by the Father and Jesus Christ to dwell in all believers and strengthen us to live a faithful Christian life. Holy Spirit is fully divine: present in creation (Genesis 1:2), omnipotent (Romans 15:19), omnipresent (Psalm 139:7-10), omniscient (1 Corinthians 2:10-11), eternal (Hebrews 9:14).


How does the Holy Spirit work in peoples’ lives?


  • Holy Spirit convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgment (John 16:8)

  • Holy Spirit regenerates and renews the sinner (Titus 3:4-7)

  • Holy Spirit sanctifies the believer (1Corinthians 6:11) and continually strengthens us to put to death the deeds of the flesh (Romans 8:13)



The process of conviction, regeneration and sanctification is the essential work of the Holy Spirit in every believer’s life, without which it would be impossible in human capabilities to have the saving knowledge of Christ and abide in Him.


Be filled with the Spirit


To be filled with the Holy Spirit is a command (Ephesians 5:18) and a promise of the Father (Luke 25:48) and Jesus Christ (John 14:16). Hence, it is imperative that every believer seek to be filled with the Holy Spirit. The gift of the Holy Spirit is given to all those who obey God (Acts 5:32). To receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit we need to have a thirst or deep desire and come to Jesus in faith and Jesus promises that “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, ‘From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water.’” (John 7:37-38)


The power-filled ministry of the Holy Spirit


Beyond the work of the Holy Spirit in a believer’s life, there is a mighty ministry that awaits every believer empowered in the Holy Spirit – to bear witness of Christ. The Holy Spirit endows us with power to witness Christ to the world (Acts 1:8). The anointing of the Holy Spirit gives us courage, a boldness to proclaim the gospel, a deep insight and revelation of God’s Word and the authority to witness Christ. Throughout the Book of Acts we see Jesus’ disciples who were ordinary men, perform mighty miracles and speak boldly for Christ. This was possible only through the power of the Holy Spirit.


In Matthew 28:19 Jesus commissions us to "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, ...” To fulfill Jesus’ command to evangelize and proclaim the gospel to the entire world, we need the power of the Holy Spirit. In our own capability we cannot convince a person to accept the Gospel – such labor is in vain. We need to trust and depend on the Holy Spirit to convict the hearers and to receive the good news of God’s redemptive work.


Dear child of God, this is an invitation to you, The Spirit and the bride say, “Come.” And let the one who hears say, "Come.” And let the one who is thirsty come; let the one who wishes take the water of life without cost (Revelation 22:17). May our lives be Spirit filled & Spirit led for His glory!




Lord, I thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. I pray that you will cleanse me of all unrighteousness and fill me with your Holy Spirit to lead a holy life and be a bold and powerful witness for Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen

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